Winchcombe School - Update
Update from the Balcarras Trust
We are writing to inform you that we have been approached by the Governors of Winchcombe School about the possibility of them joining the Balcarras Trust. You might have read in the press that the recent Government White Paper set out a range of measures to encourage the growth of Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) during the next 10 Years.
Currently The Balcarras Trust comprises two schools: Balcarras and The High School Leckhampton, however we are open to the possibility of the Trust growing so long as its growth is manageable and sustainable.
We already have a strong relationship with Winchcombe who have for many years been key members of The Balcarras Teaching School Partnership. In addition, many of their students choose to join the Balcarras Sixth Form when their time at Winchcombe comes to an end.
Having considered Winchcombe’s approach, the Trustees have agreed to take this forward and a period of due diligence now begins. Winchcombe School are now consulting their parents and stakeholders. If all goes well Winchcombe School would join the Trust at some point probably during the next academic year.
The process of expanding Multi Academy Trusts is underway up and down the country and, although the government have not set a deadline, it is clear they wish to do so with deliberate speed. At The Balcarras Trust we are keen to develop a MAT that can thrive in this new landscape, but we are also mindful of the need to keep our eyes on the very things that have brought us success in the past. We prize our schools dearly and we will do everything in our power to ensure that they continue to offer a first-rate education to their young people.
The governors, leadership team and staff of Winchcombe School are committed to comprehensive education just in the same way that all of us at The Balcarras Trust are. The Trustees believe that Winchcombe would be strong partners in the Trust and that deepening the collaboration that already exists would be to the mutual benefit of all the children in the trust’s schools.
Yours sincerely,
Bernard Roberts Dominic Burke
Chair of Trustees CEO